Simple Kale Salad

It’s safe to say that this is my most requested recipe. Many times dessert recipes tend to steal the show, leaving the savory and “healthy” meals as scraps for the birds to pick at. Okay that might have been slightly exaggerated, but you get my point. For those who stick their tongue out or roll their eyes […]

Mushroom Sliders

I’m always on the search for quick, easy, and healthy recipes that I can whip up in the kitchen. Especially now since I’m tweaking with the macronutrients in my diet, finding new recipes can be a bit of a challenge. Luckily for me, I came across an Instagram account that dramatically helped me out! If […]

Everything will be okay.

Falling off the wagon sucks. It’s frustrating, mentally and physically debilitating, and makes you want to hide under the comforter and sleep all day and night, but it’s just a part of life. You don’t hear the saying “life’s a roller coaster” for no particular reason. There are ups and downs in this journey and it’s […]